Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 7, 2014

Vietnam tour Con Dao (3D2N)

After the frenetic streets of Ho Chi Minh City, the first thing you notice on arriving at the sleepy Con Dao Islands, only a 45-minute flight from Vietnam’s biggest city, is the silence. With quaint colonial-era seaside promenades, manicured hedgerows and the occasional loud speaker issuing forth Communist slogans, Con Son, the main (and only inhabited) island, feels like a forgotten corner of Southeast Asia, as if it’s stuck in a time warp. (Vietnam tour)

Vietnam tour con dao island

Day 1: Con Dao Arrival (L,D)
Pick-up at Co Ong Airport, welcome and transfer you to the resort. You will have a short rest before starting your journey in Con Dao with the first visit to Con Dao Museum. We will continue the day with visits to Phu Hai Prison Complex, Tiger Cages, Hang Duong Cemetery, Vo Thi Sau Tomb, and Phi Yen Temple, where you will begin to understand about the heroic history of the Vietnamese. For the rest of the day, you are free to leisurely enjoy swimming, kayaking or rowing boat.(Vietnam hotel)

Day 2 - Con Dao Island (B,L,D)
After breakfast. Depart to Dam Trau Beach with long, smooth sand shore under many shapeless cliffs. If you want to, you will have the opportunity to visit Prince Cai Temple en route. You will be free for a half day of swimming and snorkeling at Dam Trau Beach. In the afternoon, we will visit Ben Dam Wharf, the Shark Cap, and go shopping for specialty items at Con Dao Market. See more Vietnam tour Con Dao island

Day 3: Con Dao Departure
Breakfast in hotel, free sort time in hotel, then check out, driver take you to Co Ong Airport connect a flight back to Ho Chi Minh city end of Vietnam tour.

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